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Sunday, January 8, 2012

To Be A Writer

Growing up I always wanted to be a writer. I wrote in diaries, I wrote poetry, I wrote letters (remember snail-mail?), I wrote short stories. Yet, somehow, I never considered myself a writer. Even in high school with the praise of my favorite English teacher, I did not see myself as a writer. Even while on the yearbook staff my senior year - writing dozens and dozens of captions and fillers - I did not see myself as a writer.

Now here I am - 33 years old at the start of a brand new year and I am finally declaring -


Boy does it feel good to say that!! It is long over-due. I'm sure Miss B is doing a little happy dance in Heaven finally.

I bet you are wondering what was it that finally started me on this journey. It was a combinations of things to be honest. I'd recently found some of my old writing from both high school and early college years. I actually enjoyed what I read! I hadn't remembered many of the things I had written. Even my husband read some of my writings and complimented me. Also, a friend of mine asked me for some help with her business - writing content for her. After working with her on a few projects she started encouraging me to work for myself.

Finally seeing myself as a writer - here I am. At the edge of something gloriously new and thrilling. The path may not always be easy, but as long as I stay true to who I am, it will always be worth it.

With that thought, I say till next time.

Christina G.